Call to Order:

Vice President


Rheta Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:03 at the Lac La Belle Fire hall with approximately 9 members present.


Role Call of Officers:

Vice President


Roll call was made by Rheta.  Vice President and Treasurer were present.


Approve Agenda:



Rheta asked for a motion to approve the March meeting agenda.


Motion by Guy Snyder to approve agenda.  Second by Stella Mottonen.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.


Approve Prior Months Minutes:

Vice President


Rheta asked for a motion to approve the November meeting minutes.


Motion by Betty Snyder to accept minutes as written.  Second by Kate Langdon.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.


Vice President’s Remarks and Correspondence:

Vice President


Rheta noted that Summer Fest was changed to July 28th at the February meeting.  Flyers are posted at the bulletin board and Lac La Belle Lodge.



Rheta reminded members that dues are $10 per person and are due by March 31st.  Dues should be sent to: P.O. Box 183, Mohawk, Michigan 49950.  Membership cards will be issued to each member and will be required for voting.  Minutes and newsletters will be emailed to members only.



Rheta encouraged all members to attend township meetings.  Grant Township meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 P.M.  Grant Township work sessions are the Thursday before their regular meeting at 6:00 P.M.  The Zoning meetings are the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 P.M.  The Commissioners meetings are the 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6:30 P.M.



Rheta noted that correspondence will be presented to the SSA for review only if it is addressed to the SSA President and is signed.




No guests present.




Treasurer:  Ned Huwatschek reviewed the treasurer’s report and reported a balance of $2,626.20.  Report is available upon request.  Rheta asked for a motion to approve the report.


Motion by Kate Langdon to approve Treasurer’s Report.  Second by Betty Snyder.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.


Rheta also noted that a budget should be prepared for 2007 according to the SSA By-Laws.  The officers will address when Roxann returns.


Unfinished Business:


Website Construction:  Rheta announced that the software was purchased and a domain name defined.  She asked for volunteers to review the website prior to publishing.  Kate Langdon, Kathy Muljo, and Stella Mottonen volunteered to help.



Creation of Haven Park Pavilion:  Grant Township will provide $10,000 for the pavilion.  Kate thought it would be no where near that amount.  They hope to have the pavilion complete in June.  Everyone is welcome to work on this project.  Rheta asked for a timeline.



Relocation of Trash Dumpster:  This is also approved by Grant Township.  Options are still being reviewed.



Home Delivery of Mail:  Rheta asked Dante Iacovoni to lead this project.  He agreed.  No update at this time.



Logo:  Rheta got an electronic file of the logo from Copper Island.  The website and newsletter will contain the current logo.  Rheta suggested omitting the logo from the minutes.  Rheta also discussed having envelopes printed with the logo versus self inking stamp.  Rheta reviewed the costs and the members felt printed envelopes were the way to go.  Rheta will order 500 envelopes.



Newsletter Update:  Kate Langdon will be the chairperson for the newsletter.  The committee will consist of Kathy Muljo, Stella Mottonen, and Rheta Wolfe.  There will be a summer (June) and winter (December) newsletter.  The group will meet next week.



Fire Hall Expansion:  Rheta indicated that expansion of the Lac La Belle Fire Department is their responsibility and they will update the SSA as required.  Kate indicated that Grant Township has allocated $5,000 in 2007 for the expansion of the fire hall.



Creation of Community Center:  There was a lot of discussion about this project.  The members felt we should wait till the summer and get input from more members.  Kate indicated that Grant Township has allocated $5,000 in 2007 for the creation of the community center.



New Business:


A letter was received from Don and Gail Frantti requesting the use of the chairs and tables from August 3rd till August 5th.  Ned indicated that he would follow thru and indicated that a motion should be made.  Rheta asked for a motion to approve the request.


Motion by Ned Huwatschek to supply chairs and tables to the Frantti’s.  Second by Guy Snyder.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.


Public Comments:


Guy Snyder questioned the monthly meetings in the winter.  Usually, there were about five meetings in the summer with the Pot Luck dinner in the winter.  He suggested that we go back to that schedule.  The members decided to leave the frequency as is for now. 


General Information:


Rheta noted that the next meeting would be held on April 12, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.





Rheta asked for a motion to adjourn the March meeting.


Motion by Guy Snyder to adjourn.  Second by Ned Huwatschek.  All in favor.  Motion carried.