Sec 1:   This organization shall be known as the South Shore Association (SSA).  Founded in 1995, the SSA is a legal nonprofit, incorporated, tax exempt, community organization.


Sec 2:   SSA guiding principles:

            Primarily, to be the voice of the South Shore in Grant Township and insure proper and equitable distribution of tax dollars,

            To improve and maintain desirable living conditions for the many cottage dwellers and permanent South Shore residents in Grant Township,

            To provide and maintain a friendly spirit of cooperation among the members for mutual benefit and enjoyment, and

            To support and enhance a quality of life on the South Shore.


Sec 3:   In the event the SSA should ever dissolve or cease to exist, all assets both real and personal will revert to Lac La Belle Volunteer Fire Department.





Sec 1:   The officers will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and they will be known as the Executive Board.


Sec 2:   Every two even years at the June meeting, the President and Secretary offices will be nominated by members of the SSA or by volunteering.  Every two odd years at the June meeting, the Vice President and Treasurer offices will be nominated by members of the SSA or by volunteering.  No additional nominations will be accepted after that meeting.


Sec 3:   Designated officers will be elected by secret ballot at an election held every year at the July meeting.  Only SSA members may vote.  Absentee ballets accepted by mail.  There will be no restrictions as to the number of terms each officer is eligible to serve.  New officer responsibilities will start at the September meeting.


Sec 4:   Should any of the elective offices become vacant; the SSA Executive Board will appoint a new officer to fill the vacancy until the next election.


Sec 5:   A committee of three (3) members to be appointed by the SSA Executive Board in June of each year will audit the SSA funds.  The committee will report back at the July meeting.


Sec 6:   The Officers of the SSA will be the governing body on all matters related to the SSA and are expected to attend all meetings.  Three or more unexcused absences from monthly meetings will result in removal from office.





Sec 1:   President:  provides leadership to the SSA and directs overall operations of the SSA. The President will chair all meetings and maintain order during the meeting.


Sec 2:   Vice President:  will act in the absence of the President and assist the President with oversight of all SSA activities.


Sec 3:   Secretary:  will manage all correspondence of the SSA, including paper and electronic files.  The Secretary will also record and distribute meeting minutes and perform all other duties assigned.


Sec 4:   Treasurer:  will manage all SSA funds both incoming and outgoing and perform any other duties assigned.  Bills will be paid after they have been approved by the membership at a regular or special meeting with a quorum present.  Monies received will be deposited into a banking firm approved by the membership.  Expenditures over $100 require membership approval.





Sec 1:   Membership in the SSA is open to any year round or seasonal property owner of the South Shore in Grant Township.  This includes the territories known as Lac La Belle, Bete Gris, South Point, Little Betsy, Delaware, and Wyoming.  Members must be over 18 years of age.


Sec 2:   Members are entitled to vote for officers and any issues presented at meetings.


Sec 3:   The dues per person will be the amount established by the officers at the January meeting, are due by March 31, and are valid for one year.


Sec 4:   A membership card with number will be issued for each member and must be used for voting.


Sec 5:   Each member has one vote.





Sec 1:   Regular monthly meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month and at least two officers must be present.


Sec 2:   Executive Board meetings are the second Wednesday of the month unless canceled by the President and are open to the public.


Sec 3:   Special meetings may be called by the President.  Notice of such meetings will be posted forty eight hours in advance in a conspicuous location and/or by personal notification.


Sec 4:   A quorum at all meetings shall be the membership present in person and by proxy.


Sec 6:   Robert’s Rules of Order will apply at all the meetings.



ARTICLE VI:  Miscellaneous


Sec 1:   The budget will be prepared by the Executive Board and submitted to the membership for review at the January meeting.


Sec 2:   The membership will compile a list of potential projects to submit to Grant Township for consideration of equitable distribution of tax dollars.





Sec 1:   The SSA By-Laws can be amended at any regular meeting, by a two-thirds vote of the attending membership, provided the amendment was submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.






Vice President


8 FEB 07




Initial release.